MINUTES OF MEETING SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the South Village Community Development District was held Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagle Landing Residents Club, 3975 Eagle Landing Parkway, Orange Park, Florida Present and constituting a quorum were: Chris Payton Chairman Allan Brink Supervisor David Frechette Supervisor Jennifer Osbeck Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Alex Acree District Engineer by telephone Matt Biagetti Director of Operations, Honours Golf Jim Hahn General Manager, Honours Golf Joe Halifco Operations, Honours Golf Several Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the October 3, 2023 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2023 Meeting On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor the minutes of the September 5, 2023 meeting were approved as presented. DocuSign Envelope ID: B8A44E40-D045-4B3E-843B-F8A982E878A6 October 3, 2023 South Village CDD 2 FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Fiscal Year 2023 Bonus Policy Ms. Giles stated on the table are the board rankings of Honours Golf Performance for award of the FY23 bonus per the evaluation criteria, with a bonus amount of $5,499. On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor the bonus amount of $5,499 was approved. Ms. Giles stated this is the board’s opportunity to discuss improvements or changes to the evaluation criteria going forward. Mr. Payton stated we previously talked about the evaluation criteria being out of date and vague. I submitted a draft of a new score card and we can discuss it next month after everyone has an opportunity to review it. I added definitions and metrics for each item. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Suspension Letters Ms. Buchanan stated because this involves a minor we don’t refer to the individual by name. Mr. Biagetti stated there was an incident that occurred in the basketball court area two individuals were key to this and the sheriff’s office was involved as well. One individual is a resident and one is not and the non-resident is trespassing on the facility and we have an interim suspension of the resident until this board meeting. A resident stated we are the parents of one the minors involved. We don’t condone his actions; he understands where he made a mistake in his actions. Going forward he will not be involved in any violence or heated discussions. The other minor was arrested for violence with other minors. We had other incidents where our son’s bicycle was stolen from the office here; that person returned it and we agreed not to press charges. The second time it was stolen from inside the gym next to the front office. All three incidents were with people from outside the community. A resident stated whoever brought the non-resident in should be responsible for that person. Mr. Davidson stated based on previous history and we try to be fair and not show any favoritism there has been a minimum 6-month suspension for fighting for the aggressor. One time we did a three-month suspension based on nothing led up to the other kid attacking the other kid. After discussion the board took the following action. DocuSign Envelope ID: B8A44E40-D045-4B3E-843B-F8A982E878A6 October 3, 2023 South Village CDD 3 On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor the minor was suspended for a total of 30-days, 15 of which has been served. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. General Manager - Report Mr. Hahn reviewed the operations report, which was included as part of the agenda package and included the operations of the amenity center, athletic center, tennis facility, golf and clubhouse operations, common areas and retention ponds and landscaping. B. District Counsel There being none, the next item followed. C. District Manager There being none, the next item followed. D. District Engineer There being none, the next item followed. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Additional Comments: Increase number of media posts, used cart prices, calendar Halloween and new year’s parties, larger space for new years eve event, athletic center carpet, coordinate social around pickleball opening, hours of gate/door at athletic center, sponsors for guests at athletic center, residents responsible for guests behavior, security at dog park, status of golf course superintendent position, proactive approach to market district events, pickleball social cancelation, staffing, everyone should access the gym by front desk when staff is present not the gate. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Additional Comments: Possibility of rescheduling pickleball social, social media posts do not reach everyone, signage to check-in, contact county to freshen lines coming into the entrance, reformat budget presentation with summary page, re-sign up for email blasts, swim meets, when DocuSign Envelope ID: B8A44E40-D045-4B3E-843B-F8A982E878A6 October 3, 2023 South Village CDD 4 checking in at pro shop in the mornings, can they invite everyone to go in the restaurant for a free coffee to give staff an opportunity to upsell, also use coupons. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2023 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending August 31, 2023 The balance sheet and income statement were included as part of the agenda package. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule The assessment receipt Schedule was included as part of the agenda package. C. Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor the check register was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. at Eagle Landing Residents Club Ms. Giles stated the next meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Ms. Ocbeck with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: B8A44E40-D045-4B3E-843B-F8A982E878A6