MINUTES OF MEETING SOUTH VILLAGE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the South Village Community Development District was held Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagle Landing Residents Club, 3975 Eagle Landing Parkway, Orange Park, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Chris Payton Chairman Glenn Warren Vice Chairman Allan Brink Supervisor David Frechette Supervisor Jennifer Osbeck Supervisor Also present were: Marilee Giles District Manager Katie Buchanan District Counsel by telephone Alex Acree District Engineer by telephone Matt Biagetti Director of Operations, Honours Golf Jim Hahn General Manager, Honours Golf Joe Halifco Operations, Honours Golf Ernie Cruz Honours Golf Several Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the April 2, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Ms. Giles called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments There being none, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the March 5, 2024 Meeting DocuSign Envelope ID: 5945A0F1-E04F-4E45-B733-01646DC2DD3F April 2, 2024 South Village CDD 2 On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor the minutes of the March 5, 2024 meeting were approved as presented. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Towing Policy Ms. Giles stated we left that on the agenda to give the supervisors the opportunity to talk about the policy before our public hearing, which is set for May 7th. Mr. Warren asked if someone pulls up on the grass, would we be able to tow? The park has a parking lot but if someone leaves a vehicle parked on the lawn, can we tow that vehicle? We talked about changing it to all CDD property. Ms. Buchanan stated if we are going to extend the towing area then include in the policies, the grass area if that is your preference. But we also need to make sure we have signage posted. Generally, signs are supposed to be every 25 feet. We want to make sure you are comfortable with that visual element before we make the change. Mr. Warren stated just do the parking and if we have to come back and address it, let’s hope people don’t think if they don’t park in the parking lot we don’t have authority over the towing. Let’s go with the basics so we can get it in the rules and be fine but on our property if someone leaves something overnight in the parking lot we have to tow them. We can still add it to the policy, don’t park on district property and do an amenity suspension if it is a resident. Ms. Giles asked did the board want language added to your amenity facility policy about parking so that if someone violates that you can send them a suspension letter or do you just want to see how this goes. Mr. Payton asked do we not have that in our policy now? Ms. Buchanan stated I will look; it is not normally in our amenity policy. Mr. Payton stated for the purpose of this meeting we are fine with the towing policy and if we need to amend the amenity policy, we can do that. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. General Manager - Report Mr. Hahn updated the board on budget preparation, minimum wage impact, and capital reserve items. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5945A0F1-E04F-4E45-B733-01646DC2DD3F April 2, 2024 South Village CDD 3 Mr. Biagetti stated we have two quotes; one for replacement pumps and the other is for work that should be done, that we have been monitoring. They are separate but Alan and I have spoken about it even if they are under the $10,000 threshold we wanted to bring it before the board. The quote for $8,060, we have some large valves by the sand filter, some plumbing and a big check valve on our fuel tank causing our pump to shut down. It has become more difficult to prime the pump back up. We are seeking your permission to move forward on that. Also, we have three main pumps that we are speaking of; the competition pool, the actual slide and the activity. We feel comfortable moving forward with just the competition right now. Times have changed since Covid and shortfalls to where these pumps are readily available. It makes sense to purchase the competition pool pump now, so we have it on hand if something were to happen. The thought behind that is we just replaced the activity pool pump. The slide pump itself doesn’t take the quantity of water to swim. If we are down four days without the water slide, we can still swim in that body of water. Mr. Hahn stated this will allow us to have one backup pump on hand so if the main pump went down we could replace it immediately. After discussion of the age of the pump, condition of the pump, life cycle of the pump, purchasing a pump and holding it for a couple years, competitive pricing for pool pump, interchangeable pumps, staff will bring back more information to the next meeting. B. District Counsel There being none, the next item followed. C. District Manager Ms. Giles stated we will approve your proposed budget at your June 4th meeting and adopt it at your August 6th meeting. D. District Engineer Mr. Acree stated I have been working with David on signage exhibits to get some golf cart signage at the entrances and crossings from hole to hole. I have revisions to make and will get it back to him later this week. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5945A0F1-E04F-4E45-B733-01646DC2DD3F April 2, 2024 South Village CDD 4 Mr. Frechette stated we should have a sign at the front of the community that says it is a golf cart friendly community and to share the road. There are signs available we can put at the crossings because not everybody is from this neighborhood. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Additional comments: Athletic center staff are not checking people in, pickleball people go in side door and do not check in, need signage on side door that it is for after-hours use, please check-in, replace the phone or phone cables, fitness center equipment delivery, landscape proposal, share capital plan when available, reduce committees down to one membership committee, staff members who are residents can’t drink a beer at the amenity but it is up to the board if we agree it is okay Troon will come up with a policy to control it, allow drinking is okay for staff when they are off work. On MOTION by Mr. Warren seconded by Mr. Brink with all in favor staff who are residents will be allowed to have an alcoholic beverage on premises when not working in accordance with the policy set by senior management. Additional comments: Patrol parking lot, last year we stopped kids from walking across the golf course and sent them back and if they don’t then they lose their privileges for the day, members complain they can’t play on Saturday mornings, try to find a way to have tee times for members, try a hybrid schedule and see how it works, financial impact of changing the Saturday play, artificial flowers, anyone coming to the athletic center for a tennis tournament treat them the same as the golf tournaments, calendar tennis tournaments with a limit, limit tournaments to four, staff not attentive when residents walk in and don’t look up from their phones, lifeguards are present but not monitoring armbands, kids using a piece of wood to jump over the fence to get in the pool, status of basketball hoops, maintenance will be done April 18th on basketball hoops, options for awnings on tennis courts, clean pollen off awnings, positive feedback on the restaurant and increased activities, sound boards to absorb sound. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments DocuSign Envelope ID: 5945A0F1-E04F-4E45-B733-01646DC2DD3F April 2, 2024 South Village CDD 5 Additional comments: birds causing issues but are protected species, blowers on golf course too early in the morning, pickleball courts are crowded, temporary lines on tennis courts, stop blowing debris on nine, unable to get tee times on Saturday mornings, Top Tracer, unofficial cart path, range closed sign for back. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet as of February 29, 2024 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending February 29, 2024 The balance sheet and income statement were included as part of the agenda package. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule The assessment receipt Schedule was included as part of the agenda package. C. Approval of Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Mr. Warren with all in favor the check register was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at Eagle Landing Residents Club Ms. Giles stated the next meeting will be held May 7, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. On MOTION by Mr. Payton seconded by Ms. Osbeck with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 5945A0F1-E04F-4E45-B733-01646DC2DD3F