6/Adopted South Village Adopted Budget FY 2025 Community Development District 1 2-5 6-11 12-16 17 18 19-22 23 24-25 26 27 28 Assessments Debt Service Amortization schedule 2016 A3 Recreation Center Fund Table of Contents General Fund Debt Service Funds 2016A1/A2 Capital Reserve Fund Golf Fund Debt Service Amortization schedules 2016 A1/A2 Debt Service Funds 2016 A3 Debt Service Funds 2019 Debt Service Amortization schedule 2019 Budget Summary Revenue Expenses Variance District Totals Re7ve,5n1u8e,518 Exp7e,2n6se1s,7 37Variance2 56,781 General Fund Total 811,099 811,099 0 Rec Fund Kids CluAbth/ALlCesaatskbiecea s CAnHmMePdaCone moaBuantiofsneaitélnerssrt 1,111024794493573,,,,,,05000300000900000009 11134400113553467893,,,,,,,001126700005590000009 1((((,12341((0117132428990953,,,,,,,,001717330000595900000909)))))) Total 1,591,899 1,591,899 0 Golf Fund CGlGuGoGbloofol l MMflf f GF aaO&&iipnnABstt 12,,507468122,,,50204700000 1,78972665803810,,,,,457995895601404 1((19,(2685037111,,,,2590,75857704069))) Total 4,385,810 4,385,739 71 Capital Reserve Total 729,710 473,000 256,710 Revenue Expenses Variance Debt Service 20162 0A12160/ AA1932 1,224277347,,,783016372 1,224265185,,,058583059 2126,,,517225378 CGGRaeeoplncf ie F-tr auIanlnc llR udFdeeuds inne CdrRve $1$$,167N489e306t,,,301959$9880....04800460 $1$$,278G124r636o,,,s359s817$1230....96801180 Net Pe$$$r457 U356$n2550i....t23803660Gross per$$$ 458U168$n4460it....13802880 Total $2,619,656.30 $2,786,868.40 $1,753.45 $1,865.37 South Village CDD FY2025 Budget Summary Summary of Assessments: Page 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISnpteecriaels At Isnsceossmmeents - On Roll $ 75 41,,474936 $ 7 3521,,637710 7,50$0 - $ 7 4501,,137710 $7 1956,0,00909 TOTAL REVENUES $ 756,239 $ 784,041 $ 7,500 $ 791,541 $ 811,099 EXPENDITURES: Administrative IISFLCPPETTAAAAOODDMWnnuroIeontrsniftreuafsCefsthipgsbulgsnionennsoebucAaeetieisstureaptnestralrsrirt, i mgrm nTa inhAegaLsne vSCtealeegnmeeoaui gdeiaimgAuce srn yxc n &tpFve&Mereoinueeiaeenpe eonrn Rrcs td DnaGeBgrlensity ieiiFtosten eeetin A biTnelFnnsststiade dvee ieeC&Atnsmcenierehngghs raaSaiegynlnnur nLocibgtsielesatoscrbgraiylitipitotyinons $ 111245 111111224589002457 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000002555689000015 115000000000117000024007000000000188000000005 $124 1134567016,,,,,,,,,,0004467035 13355590134568447 20236667011678900650233568 --- $1 11237893,,,,,,,,00012787 11112334500035688 2002235778000223805000115678 --- $ 11225 1111457900345,,,,,,,,,,,,,0024668901158 14457770000012501224 50056788000128890003400134456 $ 111235 11112224589013458 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00002555589000246 1159000000025570002550079000000012250000770055 TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 199,542 $ 110,810 $ 49,308 $ 160,117 $ 194,204 Operations & Maintenance ISLLLLPRUnehaaaatectiknnnpaleuisdddeartre isssi-lrie o ccc5tCssyaaac& o&pppan6leee MtA ---Mr gaICCaarricooniertnnnetigtettmeairnnntaeaigcannoetntcnn c-e cRe MyeVpaCiDrsD $12 12334513 02555648 ,,,,,,,,000005 29 00000036 00000034 - $1 23348 2655682,,,,,,,22047885923560 445235825 - 11245 37822558,,,,,,,,155005780480024606700111 - $2 1233584 791456781,,,,,,,,,450022335042445894012445563 $ 12 12334519 02555658 ,,,,,,,,000005 12 00000036 00000023 - TOTAL OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE $ 556,697 $ 337,474 $ 173,356 $ 510,830 $ 616,895 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 756,239 $ 448,284 $ 222,663 $ 670,947 $ 811,099 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 335,757 $ (215,163) $ 120,594 $ - South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Page 2 TheDistrictwilllevyaNon-AdValoremassessmentonalltheplattedlotswithintheDistricttopayalloftheoperatingexpensesfothe Fiscal Year in accordance with the adopted budget. r Expenditures - Administrative Interest Income Interest income on funds in operating account and excess funds in the State Board of Administration. Annual Audit pTahyerDoilsl ttraixcetsa.nticipates12meetingsperyearwithallfiveboardmembersinattendanceandeachreceiving$200.00permeetingplus FICA Taxes Represents the taxes on board payroll. Engineering District Attorney Special Assessments - On Roll South Village Community Development District General Fund Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES District Management/Administration Fees Supervisors Fees Information Technology TGhoveeDrinstmriecnttpalr Mocaensasgeesmalelnotf Sitesrvfiincaensc –ia Sloauctthiv Fitlioersi,di.ae,. LaLccCo.untspayable,financialstatements,etc.onamainframecomputerleasedby Arbitrage Rebate TRheveeDnuiset rRicetfuinsdrinegq uBiorneddst.ohaveanArbitrageRebateCalculationontheDistrict’sSeries2014A1/A2andA3SpecialAssessment aTnh eAdDmisitnriiscttrarteivcee iAvgerseeMmaennatg wemithe nGto,vAecrcnomuenntitnagl ManadnaAgedmmeinnits Streartviivceess,e LrLvCic. esfromtheirCDDemployedDistrict Manager andaspartof aTmheouDnits rterpicrte’sseSnetrs itehse 2fe0e1 f6orA t1h/eA a2d,mAi3niasntrdat2io0n1 o9f Sthpee cDiaisltAriscts’se sbsomnde nistsuRee.venueRefundingBondsareheldbyaTrusteeatU.S. Bank. The fTohr emDonistthrliyc mt'seelteingaglsc, poruenpsaerla,tKiount aakndR roecvkieLwL oPf. ,awgrilelebmeepnrtosv, ridesinolgugtieonnesr, aeltcl.egalservicestotheDistrict,includingattendanceandpreparation bTohaerDdi mstereicttin'sgse,n rgeivnieeewr iwnvilolibceesp, raonvdi vdainrgioguesn perroajleecntsg ianseseirginnegd saesr dviirceecstetod bthye thDei sbtoraicrtd, oi.ef .sautpteernvdiasnocres.andpreparationformonthly fbToyhr teuhDne-iSrseatctreuidcrti bthyonaasndc diosEsnuxtecrhsa.acntegdeCwoimthmGiMssSio,nLLinCotordaectratostchoemDpilsysewmitihnaRtuiolen1A5ge(cn)t(f2o)r-1th2e(bD)i(s5tr)i,cwtthoipchrerpealarteetshteoAandnduitaiolnDailscrleopsuorretinRgerpeoqrutrireeqmuiernetds Trustee Fees TDhisetrDicistt irsi cctuirsrreenqtluyi rceodnatrnancutaeldly wtiothc oBnedrugecrt,a Tnoaoumdbitso, Efiltasmfi,n Gaaninceiasl &re Fcroarndks, bCyPAan foIrn tdheep aeunddite enntgCaegretmifieendt.PublicAccountingFirm.The Assessment Roll aAnsdse csosllmecetniotnR oof lplraedpmaidin aisstsreasstmiveenstse.rvicesareprovidedbyGMS, LLC forupdatingthedistricts’taxroll,certifyingtheannualassessments Dissemination Agent Page 3 South Village Community Development District General Fund Fiscal Year 2025 Security Interlocal Agreement - Middle Village CDD Utilities The District currently has the following accounts with Clay Electric Cooperative for electric service: Account # Service Address 55699999011114891112277812457779333334461333457801446799 33347899Co03478999n23345589t 3555TTTTin ---PBBBB122g i ICCRenEEErneaaeaaarismmcsggggty lllrDeeaeeeorrtr oLLCiaa oCmaar SSnaonnttmsddaasttiiieiinnnoorgggann// DSSWtrta altitigeohrn tFsall Av$g$1/3$$$$M,,151235$$$$o0146883448n9122356789t..........h12456888895122345558 $$A13$$$$$n8123467n$$$,,,,,,,3001239u4550023799025al9013366349..........70128893666003789568 The District has contracted with Viewpoint Security for patrols of the CDD property. Amount includes contingency for extra holiday patrols. iTrhrieg aDtiisotnri csty hstaesm esn wtehriecdh ianrteo laonca atgerde wemitehnint wthieth R Migihdtd-olef- WViallya goef OCaDkDle faofr P thlaen mtaatiionnte Bnoaunlceev aanrdd. repair of certain landscape areas and associated uPeserfCuhl wapetbesri2te0s1 r4e-g2a2r,dLianwg CsoomfFplloiarnidcae, iaslsluDeisst. r Tichtiss mwuesbtshitaev weiallw beeb msiatienttoaipnreodv biyd eGdMeSta-SilFe,d LiLnCfo arnmda utpiodnatoend tmheonCtDhDlya.swellaslinksto Printing and Binding This item includes telephone and fax service. Postage and Delivery Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes etc. Website Administration Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Telephone Expenditures – Operations & Maintenance Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes etc. Legal Advertising The District is required to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings, public hearings etc. with Clay Today. Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. Due, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to Florida Commerce for $175. Other Current Charges Bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the year. Insurance General Liability TheDistrict'sGeneralLiability&PublicOfficialsLiabilityandPropertyInsurancepoliciesarewithEgis Insurance and Risk Advisors. CTohueryssep Feucniadli.zeinprovidinginsurancecoveragetogovernmentalagencies. ThisexpenseissharedwiththeWater/SewerFundandtheGolf Office Supplies Page 4 South Village Community Development District General Fund Fiscal Year 2025 Account # Service Address Avg/222222222222255555550111222333333358888800000022333556999999000111566666666677780001113333344456666900012223445557788899 11123333333333349999Co0112334589999999999900222336666777788889n 0333445555888999tTTTTi ---------nCEEEEAOyyyy111111223gaaaalannnnu uEEEEEEEEEeggggkeeeetbnaaaaaaaaallllussssleeee agggggggggcL m BBBBLLLLylllllllllnaeeeeeeeeeaaaalllldnk vvvvLLLLLLLLLnnnn HePddddaaaaaaaaadddd iDnnnnnnnnn i---iiiinlnnnn dddddddddlrRRResggggiiiiiiiiiis eeennnnnnnnnv -PPPP cccD gggggggggeRaaaalll r PPPPPPPPPRrrrrIIIeirrraaaaaaaakkkkkcevrrrrrrrrrrrlwwwwwce kkkkkkkkIlaryaaaawwwwwwwwiryyyymaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyed Ir Irrr $$26$$$$$$$$$$$$$$M,,17$$$$$$1111111222556949o2223480000111256667935n56777700022233556677t......................2534466900145666777788h4913666800222233556799 $$$A$$$$$$$$$$$$$$128n11111122223677016n$$$$$,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00000122333469359u3334501222455677888245a23345l0022455566677923315899......................02224455566689445335570023334667888907701336 Landscape Landscape - Irrigation Repairs Lake Maintenance In addition, the District has the following accounts with Clay County Utility Authority for water, sewer and reuse service: This represents landscape maintenance of all District property, to include mowing, weeding, trimming, pruning, fertilizing etc. The District is contracted with Tree Amigos Outdoor Services. Amount budgeted includes a contingency. This represents repairs to the District’s irrigation systems which are not already included in contract with Tree Amigos. The District has contracted with The Lake Doctors for the maintenance of the CDD lakes. Page 5 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: Athletic Center FLPGMrieuteosners scesothhs nFs oCsepO e&sG CSlinics $ 118 6035,,,,000000000000 - $2 4558,,,,156913493469 - $3 2358,,,,348056804671 - $ 16 7917,,,,000000000000 - $ 117 (7 8248,,,,,000050000000000) Sub Total Athletic Center $ 114,000 $ 44,292 $ 49,708 $ 94,000 $ 104,500 PoolsSSCGRwwleuuneiibmmstrato lLTFsoeeemseassm oRnesntals $ 123 48005,,,,,000000000000000 $1 182,,,799384571 - $ 111 45125,,,,,000020105603059 $ 122 47055,,,,,000000000000000 $ 122 48456,,,,,000000000000000 Sub Total Pools $ 77,000 $ 23,663 $ 47,337 $ 71,000 $ 77,000 Café: SFCtaoafoéffd BDeisecrount $ 12 (7 40,,,000000000) $ 9,5 38273 - $ 8 (7 30,,,640710730) $ 9 (7 40,,,000000000) $ 9 (7 48,,,000000000) Sub Total Café: $ 117,000 $ 9,910 $ 77,090 $ 87,000 $ 95,000 Cabana Bar: CCCaaabbbaaannnaaa BBBaaarrr LBWieqienureor 26 306,,,000000000 3 65,,40 5210128 15 149,,,459978289 29 206,,,000000000 39 315,,,000000000 Sub Total Cabana Bar: $ 89,000 $ 41,941 $ 76,059 $ 118,000 $ 129,000 Kids Club/Lake House: SSFPouraomcciigalmirlt ayPemr rR osCeganrmtaamplss $12 1355,,,,000000000000 1$5 --- $12 1302,,,,090008000500 $12 1402,,,,000000000000 $12 1327,,,,000000000000 Sub Total Kids Club/Lake House: $ 44,000 $ 15 $ 36,985 $ 37,000 $ 43,000 Non Operating Income: Rec Fund Assessments $ 1,070,200 $ 1,060,290 $ 9,910 $ 1,070,200 $ 1,143,399 Sub Total Non Operating Income: $ 1,070,200 $ 1,060,290 $ 9,910 $ 1,070,200 $ 1,143,399 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,422,200 $ 1,138,170 $ 221,030 $ 1,359,200 $ 1,591,899 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Recreation Center Fund Page 6 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Recreation Center Fund OPERATING EXPENSES Athletic Center p“ CCPPEETBGROMWaalQaofreoueefaypbocuiiu rcsRcl relsrdSctrteeoerrsthueni/ p Sn il &M Pp TcRl-Cuag ap/C VCeriap CSyUrlomeiO/pilusnredtseMlG pooitstaaiileetpvSlinnultnsa/ldisi/inaelDie PMncsgsOacapLeie n$rt2/e5Sntkaantcioenary $ 2 1347 13566672280 ,,,,,,,,,,,00000030000 6600000000000000000000000000 $ 1 (1 136 123444592535,,,,,,,,,,,,123566994740011778882650023466892650 -) $ 1 1121 11222463561,,,,,,,,,,,00036892565 3501122890374190124478048506 $ 2 1357 135667782465,,,,,,,,,,,,000000580000 600000000000000000000000000 $ 2 1358 236674585 ,,,,,,,,,00000000 0 66 00000000000 -- Sub Total Athletic Center $ 397,500 $ 233,181 $ 188,719 $ 421,900 $ 417,200 - - - Pool/Swim: SCCCPPBGGRROMWwaelohfraaeeeifarysosncpeniaitcmcrrmmksatneeeeorsir ii &r ilaaS ntlT clPs<scau gaeaC iCtn&po laySS CosSepnm eur M seoPFlawoptri uoelCealvp esSleosioilnr uscilEs/etpetxU.s ppPtleoiilneoistslieess $ 1 22358 11112344825570,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000005567000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 1226 12447,,,,,50569 4440489555027802 ------- $ 1 11121 11234805551,,,,,,,,,,,00000603440 5000005015504000000235808 -- $ 1 12457 111234802385,,,,,,,,,,,,000005600000000000000000000000000000 -- $ 1 13459 111234822560 ,,,,,,,,,,,,00000560000 0 000000000000 -- Sub Total Pool/Swim: $ 346,300 $ 131,674 $ 197,426 $ 329,100 $ 356,100 - - - Café: SSFCPPPPBGGRRAttaaeeaolraaeeaocrsypbosncpofortmf relksadS eehUCorsiu // iCroM otlnGBPpTslCsl nia pCoeeVS&f Ftoyrvloourie crr/eMsdroehomLstcslsaa/lih lsSqinC anuudlrtepoigeasprennel aCi iCennOsOgcG eGSSuSpplies/Waste $ 11177 112233600035 ,,,,,,,,,,,,000005700000 580000000000000000000000000000 $ 13 11124525,,,,,,,,00456916 9122568278233457369 ---- $ 55 1112446906,,,,,,,,,,0000345738 58990001134727007800013567470078 $ 1178 112234480234,,,,,,,,,,,,000000070000 580000000000000000000000000000 $ 45 1224558825 ,,,,,,,,,,0000000400 557 0000000000005 0000000000000 - Sub Total Café: $ 198,500 $ 65,452 $ 140,548 $ 206,000 $ 134,150 Page 7 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Recreation Center Fund Cabana Bar: SFPPPPGGRAtaaeeolraeacrsyposcofotmf resdS hUCorsu/io otlnGBPplsl nia pCoeSftoyvloourirr/esdroomLstcsl/lih lsSqC auulrepogaprenl CiienOsgG SSupplies/Waste $ ---------- $ ---------- $ ---------- $ ---------- $ 35 134535 ,,,,,,000009 255500000000050000000000 Sub Total Cabana Bar: $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 103,650 Administrative ICPPPTTBGRAODMnraeolraeeépValsiryonlscm enn/MeumiorksrMdaptrposara/ gieChau ttlurPePnlnCiostk smoaaCt/ec nieFpy nocFreReeteera/seni/eernolJteitl os/Snagls FlSnut/tteieaMpoaersptnsanilsnoieeatnsga Aerrylls A Mreeaals Program $ 1 11133453 12445704555785,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000005000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 113356 125679000156,,,,,,,,,,,,224789112489 435588800034594666890025688 - $ 11235 11122336702338,,,,,,,,,,,,,,002255577111890011445690014601224456800244 $ 1 111223582 12357001347995,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000050000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 1 111334453 12457222455685,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sub Total Administrative $ 372,500 $ 238,748 $ 167,752 $ 406,500 $ 408,000 Building Maintenance LCPBGRMaaoreuaynopniilnrdsatdortsisir an clBPslcag ua Ct&p Ry ioSel rdeMseoptrinalvaligiinrc Kt eSeiwdnsai/mnLc/aeCk Aaeft éh/lCetaibc aCnean Btearr $ 18 1146658,,,,,,,002280000000000000000 $ 14 111118,,,,,,009945005907014815 - $ 3 1256,,,,0054 9044290995 26 - $ 18 223356,,,,,,000009000005000000 - $ 19 133309 ,,,,,,000000 - Sub Total Building Maintenance $ 122,200 $ 65,929 $ 46,021 $ 111,950 $ 119,000 Lake House/Kids Club: SSPEBGHouaqraoymconuliirksiadmposl aC m lEePylC rvaCe E FyenCovenrtasee otmtRnsslel/ptnsE Etxaxplpeennsseess/Supplies $ 14 56724 ,,,,,02335 7 05700 900050090 $ 1114,,,,0349 42223218998 -- $ 2 23450,,,,,58990 722776 901229190 $ 2 55772,,,,,00220 700550 900000090 $ 12 56705 ,,,,,00000 7 900000090 Sub Total Lake House/Kids Club: $ 76,224 $ 9,145 $ 38,154 $ 47,299 $ 53,799 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 1,513,224 $ 744,129 $ 778,620 $ 1,522,749 $ 1,591,899 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ (91,0P2a4g)e 8 $ 394,041 $ (557,590) $ (163,549) $ - REVENUES DESCRIPTION Athletic CFLPGMerieuteosnners stcesoethhs nrFs oCsepO e&sG CSlinics CTohset s oafl eg ooof ddrsi snoklsd, Afotrh dlertiinck Cse, nAttehrl ebtailcl sC, eanptpearr beal lalns,d a epqpuairpeml aenndt .equipment. POOLS SSCGRwwleuuneiibmmstrato lLTFsoeeemseassm oRnesntals CAFÉ Food Sales of food, drinks and ice cream. Merchandise Candy sales from the Village Store. Cafe Beer Beer sold from the Café. Staff Discount Discounts provided to Troon Staff while on duty. CABANA BAR Cabana Bar Wine Wine sales from the Cabana Bar. Cabana Bar Liquor Liquor based drinks sold from the Cabana Bar. Cabana Bar Beer Beer sold from the Cabana Bar. KIDS CLUB/LAKE HOUSE SSFPHouraoomccliiigaldmirlta ayPeymr r RE osCevganermtnaamptlsss FFFFEeuuuasennntsddde csssro cccblooolaelllscllleeektccceetttdteee dfdddre offflrroimvoore mm ckraiy rcmd,ee cerpsavit ndpaedeainnnryt tFst gi rcasreimuapncmaithlnays alt sEass n vo wKdef ihn tdohitstlseeh O. Kesnrcidl hHyso oP Colalliur ditsbai ye nfos oe.rtv pienna rststei swessii otahnn d.a feevee.nts. MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS FTuronodns csotallfef.cted from patrons of private tennis/pickleball lessons & group clinics given by FFFFRuuuuegnnnniddddssssstr ccccaooootllllilllloeeeencccc ttttfeeeeeddddes ffff rroofooorrr mmpn oro rruinveer-ssa rsiitddeuesee,m isnndemttem rrneeeitr-nn upsttswraaaillvssigm aeoot ffote ttef hha atneehm deCC ElaSguafwrébgo ilPrumeoap Rto P isamoawy ra sfkinom. drw lpVehasiilrlsletao iagencessc G agonrimvedeep ennav nbfeoiyner tdT ps rw.a oriottihne sas taranefsdf.i devenent.ts. TOhpeer Daitsitnrgi cBtu wdiglel ta sfosre stsh eth fies pcalal tyteeadr l.ots within the District to fund a portion of the District's cRleansstaels f,u Dnadnsc ceo Fliltencetesds afrnodm T vyeFnitd foorrs B: Sohoitp C Sahmappe. Strong, LLC for TRX classes, Spincitas for Spin South Village Community Development District Recreation Center Fund Fiscal Year 2025 Fpreoesg rcaomllesc wtehdi lfeo ra cncoonm-rpeasnidieedn wt uitsha gae r oefs Aidtehnlet.tic Center facilities, fitness & Athletic Center Page 9 South Village Community Development District Recreation Center Fund Fiscal Year 2025 EXPENSES DESCRIPTION Athletic CCCPPEEBBGROWeaalaoQfraeuefaypbnoncuii csRcl relksrtdStteeeorerstue i/ Cp Sn ilr &MPpTcRlCuag ap/C Ve iap CFSyUrlomi/piluesnretseMle pooitstaails.epvlinnultsaldisi/inelie PMcsgsaapienrt/eSntaantcioenary FCPPEVRRDMaeellaeeueeoynepprmcansirslatnoat ,oprdi hipcruinlsule clsacty gemip peont scrtryeseeooho rt senf las,coecd utpr errfrsstgorsve i tbetiosrdihnosaci nifnet estifosit gok Acnt,np rheapfgteee trrh aCsrsebdoplsoausea ue tc mpeltierlgoniqp dc cnhcmtul a oeC litGiuesphtwpestsFdaenm ,,eML in tfbAnloe.eysDagtnrl, lhd fT,Bttlo slCeo.Aeer,rli tn ral,spi eaYyec ratcf o oCEnipqtuceldasueTen p ecsastuettmnsesbrrdir.ia nea.c 4l gnT.l 0 edoV1q fe kaucqnh.iupdaimr pPgmeaennsetd.n.ot rwa.ipes. POOL/SWIM SCCCPPBGGRRUOMWwaelohfraaeeneifarysosncpeniiaitcfmcrrmmksatoneeeeorsir rii &r ilaaS ntlT clPms<scau gaeaC iCtn&po s laySS CosSepnm eur M seoPFlawoptri uoelCealvp esSleosioilnr usiclEs/etpetxU.s ppPtleoiilneoistslieess SFCPPPPPRAAUhaaeooehegnnypnaerpooaiyfrserserallo o pe,orgfOdi rrlrdm eloutEmpselsdo aen cpee m sfwt eenrertos axioaraotrep,pn tgd bwc lctwisydeeena rp,ni s leghGetttlassohdo sqepapei, iinunsp Pe etltte i grooorcvhcpt m,hyooafea miperanstlnlie sa drte,eddk sup pgqn fooc, er ieeiuttonrneeersa insscmsg , ppt t nehl aofompeupeo’art , odpd ahnre eefninre e inndnfntogdoyatv gesa t,v u a fe feo ptBootinrldhdahpore rdpeepeer pn L pd o b, opce eAicr.oipofhsfllodeill,eroet sgicueasimal ueattlsn ratchsta,idi nec.Pswrnr ladideoogynalq s uos4 sgte u gleao0 alo.ihsrnnl1pfues d dkSmcwlt ti h.sifdaeoehtatenaenree/fdtsgr fd.o. eeeaifs.vqn F.iudLni e gpDq mbOuoeHiapn.rmtd.esn.t. CAFÉ SSFCPPPPBGGRRAttaaeeoaraaeelaocrsypbosncpofortmf relksadS eehUCorsiu // iCroM otlnGBPpTslCsl nia p CoeeVS&f Ftoyrvloouri ecrr/eMsdroehomLstcslsaa/lih lsSqinC anuudlrtepoig.asprenel Ci iCenOsOgG GSSuSpplies SSFCCCCPAUMWaeaeooounnoanayepssmiygntfisrttsoti ert cnoooid,shr ezapglffu mlpelsf a yfC oLeprtoaps a rsipirtcoc ern fo,oaeC oderssd bscacn r o,tt ytelfNr osoae Cé scefeApw / aossocd SsafBeiarnieént,ntrf Vlto sVé gSdvscrm r, ti,aa f io alLeaefcrlroaln faeie ecdflqsogsd laot e uce dwo iuaraon o S ltvnnCaccmrtritdraolo acLeuepf rhyeeéridsaecsq os a.sin .e uGnlfant.nyoiagnFdps rf fdBL foe mPC, eurcpafaeon ottrpfnieréeooortn fCpkvo.istarsicsidfo lea ésaesvn.nssid ddidn eC u4gdam0 o bb1fpay kcns h.Etaeac Brro agslareeb srb..vaircteesn.der & bar back. CABANA BAR SFPPPPGGRAtaaeeoraelacrsyposcofotmf resdS hUCorsu/io otlnGBPplsl nia pCoeSftoyvloourirr/esdroomLstcsl/lih lsSqC auulrepogaprenl CiienOsgG SSupplies SSCCPPUDMWaeraouenoanaoylpsiigntfirtpvsotiet nooi,aeshr zpglnrf mlelf a yyf eoLprops rsitparoc ea f,noeC odersnsdcan ro,tk teb N osma CsscaeApw asorni sabsBienean,nca fVl tsgiBedsnrlm, ll, f oaa laeLefar oalndBei n lqsobsd lafee uo daw rioarnorr ltvsuatcc rrCtiesrlo acaLuan echyefbidsdfocsos.aiee s nlfanr.notgna ssr& d Bpe C beuafaontatbierreoan fCb nihstaaaseibcl apsakat.rnneodrav s 4Bi.d0ae1rd.k .by Ecolab. SDaelsakri, eFslo foatri nAgt hPloestiicti Coenn atnedr D Siorceicatlo Mr,e Amsbseisrtsahnitp A Ctoholertdiicn Caetonrte.r Pro, Pickleball Director, Front Costs for clay, windscreens, nets/posts, various equipment/tools and light bulbs on the court. STu-smhmiretsr, Scwapims, tLreoapghuiee sfo, br aEnaqgulee Rt faoyosd s aunmdm soerft swwairme/ teeqaumip.ment, league fees to First Coast CCUA water charges for the pools and Clay Electric service for the pools and Resident's Club. Salaries for Aquatics Coordinator, Front Desk, Lifeguards, Swim Coaches and Instructors. Gas for kitchen provided by Sharp Energy. Propane tanks refilled for Cabana patio heaters. Page 10 South Village Community Development District Recreation Center Fund Fiscal Year 2025 EXPENSES DESCRIPTION ADMINISTRATIVE Gross Payroll Salaries for Administrative ICPPPTTBRAODMnraeoaeeépVlalsirynlscm enn/MeumiorkrMdaptrporaa/ gieChauttlurPenlnCiostk smoaCt/ec nieFp nocFreReeteea/seni/eernlJteitl os/Snags FSnut/tteieaMpoaersptnsanilsnoieeatnsga Aerryll M Aeraelass/Waste SSFFCCPPRAMMMeuraeeooimaeunaiypeesmnmnssgssertpiatoC ncocffdbligooinanei leeueltlsnrraigry smecpt lt srI c eaprrtHTT eeonFonaornsV ossiSl docictr tl ipdue s prinssWFdhepseete geansar odpra Wenpiyvtntiosnsd tey imteeDr gcrtc e b oti eosemaif n Rsfexasyc rfTsieen iioesdattucrsrdmetnrs erc soe i ada Jaon omsoaotn nucmPivnnnod clapaad .uaSpn ennlvp sdt .oastddala iPn.oitr nfoeChfOy iss.grooe Su. f BrMumo ps secropuc no spafosetmosrirwfcftoitmt tc Iacwasnoreul alatessn enRrs.tirseditEnny. sC4ge ue 0 toovb.1pfes kcench.rrtaasiptr.itgoieonsns..s to create materials for marketing. BUILDING MAINTENANCE SLCPBGRMtaaoreuaaynopniiflnfrdsatd Uortsisir an clBnPslcag iua Ct&fp Roy ioSel rrdeMseomptrinalvalsigiinrc Kt eSeiwdnsai/mnLc/aeCk Taefe én/nCiasbana Bar SLCPBGRMtaaoreuaaynopniiflnfrdsatd Uortsisir an clBnPslcag iua Ct&fp Roy ioSel rrdeMesomptrinalvalsigiinrc Kt eSeiwdnsai/mnLc/aeCk Taefe én/nCiasbana Bar LAKE HOUSE/KIDS CLUB SSPEBGHouaqraoymconuliirksiadmposl aC m lEePylC rvaCe E FyenCovenrtasee otmtRnsslel/ptnsE Etxaxplpeennsseess/Supplies SFCCCPHaaeoooelyesssalisrtttrusss odime fffluooosl etp rrrfa o rtaSmnoroulkl acCc m ojerraotseemmhrsnd eieHptinrtra Cgo lceC oltafviaeordueme danfnsi ypslct ils e on esb lacmvuoanleprlupldnspoda t lpaoinsinnean yigsrdns f tB i ocEfinoelervucsrn peld uteenrihfdvnotirt iegcSnosn etC guaatsh sngfcsfr.hrd.iniao s4gfutt0 most1 ,ft ag khcsah.e mC ayareergsane rasi.nv.dal s annadc Ekass.ter Extravaganza. Page 11 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: Golf Operations PPGMMrruieaosemcc sst tbRhi cFeoeerevp eRTe Msnar &nuaeigre lTecs F hoeuersnament Fees $ 1,6 111 160971389,,,,,428003000210000 $ 18 3616 12479,,,,,007780064608969 $ 6 1248924575,,,,,012920339501241 $ 1,5 126 160150500,,,,,000000000000000 $ 1,6 124 162203602,,,,,208020000700000 Sub Total Golf Operations $ 1,999,451 $ 1,085,392 $ 864,608 $ 1,950,000 $ 2,062,270 Golf F&B FBAMW&leicisenBocreh//Broelanntqaulset Revenues $ 1,0 124 256950012,,,,,229140032442222 $ 126 20336469,,,,1239 64449491690 $ 14 2335 31305,,,,,638075560540119 $ 1,0 227 261900200,,,,,000000000000000 $ 1,1 229 251942526,,,,,239496575904844 Sub Total Golf F&B $ 1,569,902 $ 1,007,375 $ 644,625 $ 1,652,000 $ 1,782,040 Golf G&A IAnlli tMiaetmiobne Fre Desues $ 4 1137,,000000 $ 27 12,,785272 $ 1 1837,,214738 $ 4 1650,,000000 $ 5 1229,,050000 Sub Total Golf G&A $ 430,000 $ 274,579 $ 200,421 $ 475,000 $ 541,500 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3,999,353 $ 2,367,346 $ 1,709,654 $ 4,077,000 $ 4,385,810 OPERATING EXPENSES Golf OSSSCCPPBGRRpttcaaaOraaeaaeoypronsnGffrrtffereksg SaeUDLrorse &ctvM e lnuGPBilaaao ieaCCoreaftsnsoydrCilooeol csr&rss s dF&nhom t&s& e/Hal RlesT n PSasedeunrpeiopdsa S pieSichrlhaiseeop e&sp tF SSSeyuuesspptppellmiieesss $ 113 1147147 34790356266,,,,,,,,,,,004500550000000000000000000000000 $ 1 124589 24666244478,,,,,,,,,,,034790248931667803389812338111272 $ 1 122667 33000573 (,,,,,,,,051579967 618026691 13678899998378 ) $ 113 111147157 34000578005,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 113 111146468 35001267129,,,,,,,,,,,041345670670000005500900000001000 Sub Total Golf Operations $ 802,900 $ 448,521 $ 365,479 $ 812,000 $ 860,491 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Golf Fund Page 12 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Golf Fund - - - Golf F&B SLCCCCCPPEGGAKtaaqliohCOlraiaenctyposu inGcfaFoenf resith&n neShpaUorrseie / omF a SnlPnGPnslGcle& gria/ CoetSfrl/ooyB anBoouSvOpsrrtasedrisp omacrtrRcs/neel vhSelsSreiaupicalrpavetgiipenrelrsgie/ SsRuepnptlaielss $ 166 11233046 34444502599033,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 134 112339 12377367288,,,,,,,,,,,11238127057 4012773790787235782373788 - $ 22 111455 133477346726,,,,,,,,,,,,002588178924 670022790168292200237823783725 $ 166 12234489 33334411245555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 267 11134345 24444603489117,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000168002670070000060006800400000000069009 Sub Total Golf F&B $ 1,555,000 $ 1,048,743 $ 630,257 $ 1,678,000 $ 1,780,964 - - - Golf Course Maintenance IISSSSFPEGGADWWrrttaoaqersaurarrnaaydrsosueafiitsdtfe/ggr/ssiwet /pUsO/oPaas ercCsmGtt ll/n /iPoRalhiiolMS oor/ianCneefereaGnnoyntotmumiwvers /rrrtsRlesa/ c/UoomeetL/e/cLhHarvlte\plStssa/iaaeollm/aenC/ilsrrDtidToebraisuessqslolsec/u pT/saRi TpDnoeiaeonrn/leltegsCasp/lsoshsil/nuooRgprnepep/liaBeisursilding Utilities $ 114 1112239037 36891123455145 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00000000000000 5000000000000000000000000000000 $ 2 123370 12477456786,,,,,,,,,,,00589014883 4481234801369369912889002370578 - $ 2 11114574 112457901133773,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001155901145896000135601367887012235800237890 $ 114 1112258025 137890000259055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 114 12248346 24466802337248 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00005503489015 5000000000050000000000000000000 Sub Total Golf Course Maintenance $ 947,500 $ 423,900 $ 500,100 $ 924,000 $ 963,550 Golf Clubhouse Maintenance CPPBBGHMaaoruuoiypsoniilllcirestddd orrsCiia ann lSlPylcegg uaC/ta pRRy PonSprleeseianolpptringlevaalt siiiSsrrc/usseMp sIVpinsel-cinHe dSsouo uuprnsspielfioersms $ 3 2223566 ,,,,,,,0004580 0000000 - $ 1 258,,,883 112000022689234 -- $ 1 12347,,,,,00186 7800799790047168 - $ 3 11125566,,,,,,,,000000800000000000000080 $ 4 11162 ,,,,,22230 00050 00000 --- Sub Total Golf Clubhouse Maintenance $ 57,700 $ 27,372 $ 30,436 $ 57,808 $ 51,950 Page 13 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac4tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro5j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Golf Fund Golf G&A SSFLCPPPPETTBGRAUOMMMtoraaeqleolftrraeeoaiaefliorypfgsonalsuni lnmtfMewcmaicfivrepwksitt dapepl/Torrsebeia egi eFhFeDma aS ltlrrreSrePn/lseoesrcutukar usmaMCe/tee/ytenp i/eepy R nWnsosP/AS eeDsptiIpr/Ctielserni/n/plne éanoClltroRoiMStisapacesgglCev pmuuetFlgostr/ us iiCenbeFereeUcro/psr o/atseceeRSnniutaSncssiec tCyseailttrts/acfemtal soiDtTeeirpf/iorfaoioa/tM smMnnxJivnhooieasaennnmlrag/asylPbss//eeOSsrfet Rf miCceoeilnan Statuirroposnplslies $ 11 11222223346823 113559911122344488936,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ 111111234578 12459033344456889,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,68999000112447789 3934689001122335668881246701113566778999 -- $ 11122245 114445667901155567,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000001278801255999 560011135667336788991500113567892334499914 - $ 11 1222223447823 13555690122444456836,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000005700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - $ 111 1111112233447023 3340011223344478266 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0070000002333788000 69005000000000001300800000000000000003400700 Sub Total Golf G&A $ 699,000 $ 438,522 $ 265,678 $ 704,200 $ 728,784 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 4,062,100 $ 2,387,058 $ 1,791,950 $ 4,176,008 $ 4,385,739 NET OPERATING INCOME $ (62,747) $ (19,712) $ (82,296) $ (99,008) $ 71 Non-Operating Revenues/(Expenses) ISnpteecriaful nAds sTersasnmsefenrts $ 3 5 8 , 5 6 0 - $ 358,500 - $ 60 - $ 358,560 - $ -- TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES/(EXPENSES) $ 358,560 $ 358,500 $ 60 $ 358,560 $ - EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 295,813 $ 338,788 $ (82,236) $ 259,552 $ 71 Page 14 REVENUES DESCRIPTION GOLF OPERATION Guest Fees & Tournament Fees Greens Fees, Tournament Fees, Public Cart PPMMrrieaosmcc St.b hiRceoeerpv RT eMarnnaeuigrleec sF heaensdise AAAAllllllll PGMMuoiebslmfcl Siebchl elDoarrnp Tie vMroianueirgsl c FRIhneaaecnnsogd,m eAi sSneea,n ClSuealsual.elb sa R.nedn Mtaolsn,t LhelysRs.oennsta.ls, and Events. GOLF F&B FBAMW&leicisenBocreh/./Borlaennqtaulest Revenues FRAAAolllolllo oLBWdmieq iaen uFnreoe dS Ser aBas Sll,ee aeMsvls.ee.issr.ca.g Ree Gvoelnf u&e sS.ocial Event Sales. GOLF COURSE & CLUBHOUSE MAINTENANCE Misc. Revenues/Equipment Trade-In Revenue generated by any equipment sold. GOLF G&A IAnlli tMiaetmiobne Fre Desues GGoollff MMeemmbbeerr sI nanitdia Ptiloany eFre'ess C.lub Annual Dues. EXPENSES DESCRIPTION GOLF OPERATIONS SSSCCPPBGRRMttcaaaOraaeaaeoypronsnGmffrtffereksg SeUDLrorseb &cvM e lnueGPBlaaar ieaCCoreafts soyRdriClooeol cr&rss es dF&nhom lt&s& ae/Hal RtlesT n PiSaseodeunrpneiopdsa sS pieSichrlhaiseeop e&sp tF SSSeyuuesspptppellmiieesss SSFLLCCPGODMtaGieeooopracolaeissaleAefvnfssfttrr n ,cit eu roidanahsoe netogfugelsui lyigrf o ea rfc rrogo o ntfaotseoeelnronaeflsedlm aol gsftcss t p mehct r cesfroa aooeood yefpr doaprrp l,tte al ier peposlmtrtc r raao e fcaasareonldailrultonrlf nr dia etpcmmtnduorss hpog eas ,ac at lE fmalisinoh n oesZspuamedisan Grspag lipasopcneeOsplru ,mmead hl ,dow ci nc saesoeuchayorsetnete r da,ablifs tstdroosfw- s fsar.a snr.iptnennai sapatpgrdg efpfreeaf o ,o,ome , iJb srrffroc ia easa rexntlml.lestoalalsuss rwsbp,iiry dneabsee,ryo egaslh sn rlfh,ool t,odt awfwpus linclslr ai,aahd plnbrstyail eecehta,r s,eangey ga,nprer e nnuan f,sf iadmntei.tpus esirit,kis, se sts4.icis.wne0.e sss1ri,,mu vKtipnoa,. pctgilieoleoinletnf ts,p ias.vanypedsset .rpe,am ert.kc.. GOLF F&B Gross Payroll Salaries related to all management staff, salary, hourly, gratuities, incentives. Payroll Cost Monthly fees related to the processing of all payroll, benefits, 401K. COGS F&B Cost of all food and beverage, beer, wine, liquor sold. Alcohol Surcharge Delivery and misc. cost. Bank & CC Fees Fees due to credit card company for processing of charges. China/Glass/Silver Replacement China, glass, and silverware, new purchases. Cleaning/Operating Supplies General clubhouse related cleaning supplies all areas. Contract Service Contract Service to clean grease traps, vents, ice machines. Gas & Propane Natural gas a propane, patio heaters, kitchen equipment. Kitchen/Bar Supplies General cleaning supplies, service items, hardware. Linen Service Rental costs for linen and laundry related to cloth napkins, table cloths, etc. Paper Goods Operational paper supplies such as paper towels, plates, napkins, toilet paper, etc. Staff Uniforms Staff uniforms for all areas and staff. Equipment Repairs/Rentals Repair and maintenance of all kitchen equipment. Resident/Member Relations/Marketing Cost related to all annual promotions for residents in tennis, swim, golf, and park. Utilities Electricity for all areas. South Village Community Development District Golf Fund Fiscal Year 2025 Page 15 South Village Community Development District Golf Fund Fiscal Year 2025 EXPENSES DESCRIPTION GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE Gross Payroll Salaries related to all management staff, salary, ISSSSFPEEGAWWrttaoaeqqcararnaaydrcsuuafitsdtfe/gr/iiwet /ppUsOo/PaerCsmmGtll/n /iRalhiolMS or/iCneeefereaGnonnotmumiwves rrttsUles/ /c/oemetL/t/LIhHarveir\Sssal/aaeirlm/enC/tlsriDidgToebaeuassqlsoltec//u piTsaRoTi pDnoneeiaonr lnRe/eltgspCeasplsohsialonoinrgres/Building Utilities ISSSLPETGROMMrtaoielaeunenaroonadsp rcficnnedsfog fata o tteus arrlifnhhiur otteniondll rcirlaryyifoeaia fs ns tg o bntwafceyedoeeru hn eai ed l,tmtmn adfdnssoe frck t d seoma rrgoooe rieeifpenpunrlsotlls oasaip terers let tttrs,iu mu aeaezrnaaercldbdeanat alcmhrs e l ndiatthenhs ooarci a ac,rtw see i bcsonetrn ahhiteonaieqtnseg teefeeaau se aea mgdnnnpi trnamoneacdir itdoeladneco afdxc n.,a cs ccrtgplil etuuesokpsrea spreb,ueuen fpsfqorfehrm s.iresunssnoees,paeis .gufpptl , l i tis oabamfrcoeogifruirp edrsaaii.gdn ,llena dlcarts dlputi.le,n iahmmpsogy sesnhsaairr. o,niis obnnougylittf,lcrsf ee,pi iltbnncdyieeneaae,m snnniesn. e.cc.scfeetie rtyensaqat,w rui4vdi 0ape 1fnsmoK.dre . cdnoitsq.puoinsaa.l. GOLF CLUBHOUSE MAINTENANCE CPPBBGHMaaoruuoiypsoniilllcirestddd.orrs iiaC ann lSPyllcgg ueaC/t apRRy PoSnprleeseaiolpptrninlevaagltsiii sSrrc/usseM spIVinpse-lcniH.ed Ssoouurpsspelies SCGRRAOMaoleeepollnppn aehnreraatotriraiihrrelaatil sicdaalyo tcnnra n fleSyddeualee a&bmmlrs tphv eaarsaoidiieecpnnu laeteattsso eerfteoo enn as nrrdaaluel a nna tplmldoacc pdteed atlée inihoocedtaeffios ocg tg prslhenoe rufmealoaocf ln cr ecchpl inelcu nruastlbosgub ss hjibpshetnouahaocgufpptouf sos,epus s.efrles ai.a .etelloas.l r.wpyae,y lhsro,o tulolr,i lblyee,t ni pneacfipetnesrt, i4, ve0et1csK... GOLF G&A Gross Payroll Salaries related to all management staff, salary, hourly, incentives. Payroll Cost Monthly fees related to the processing of all payroll, benefits, 401K. Contract Service Cleaning Contract Service to Clean Clubhouse, HVAC, windows. Misc./Dues/Subscriptions Various dues for staff and print material. Bank Fees/CC Fees Fees due to credit card company for processing of charges. Equipment Rental Service agreement for copier, misc. rentals. Flowers/Décor All holiday & seasonal décor for clubhouse. Property Insurance Property and casualty insurance for the property. Legal Fees Management of licenses, permits, and other legal matters. Management Fees Annual management fees for golf operations. Member Relations Cost related to all annual promotions for golf memberships. Paper Supplies/Stationary/Office Supplies General office supplies for G&A, golf, and F&B. Permits/Property Tax Tax related to golf clubs personal property and various permits. Resident Appreciation Cost related to all annual promotions for residents in tennis, swim, golf, and park. Software/Computer/Jonas Internet provider and all hardware for computers, point of sale stations. Travel/Mileage/Staff Meals/Seminars Travel expense for staff business related to the operation. Telephone/Music/Dish All telephone hardware and service costs. Utilities/Waste Removal/Pest Control Electricity for all areas, waste pickup, and pest control. Staff Training/Cost/Meals/Uniforms Related cost for all staff training, daily meals and uniforms. All Marketing Costs/Member Relations Various marketing expenses and promotions for golf and social events. Page 16 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCTnparieratcrniaiysat flFie oAorn srf rswFoeeasmerssd mG Soeunlfrtps l-u Osn Roll $ 126 45580005,,,,000800770025 $ 26 279422,,,099026026 - 2 76,,901000 -- $ 26 589002,,,089027026 - $ 66 527089,,04,708104 -0 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,125,947 $ 989,888 $ 33,910 $ 1,023,798 $ 1,358,194 EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay/Repair & Replacement 192,000 230,600 164,714 395,314 473,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 192,000 $ 230,600 $ 164,714 $ 395,314 $ 473,000 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund Transfer In/(Out) - - - - - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 933,947 $ 759,288 $ (130,805) $ 628,484 $ 885,194 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Capital Reserve Fund Page 17 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCPnprateerepcrriyaaey lFs mAto Esreswanertasnsrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 1,4 37659,,928803 -- $ 1,47 25879,,,388916914 - 10,00$0 --- $ 1,47 2698679,,,,368891689124 $ 1,4 17670,,3761$21 -- TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,845,263 $ 1,566,074 $ 10,000 $ 1,672,756 $ 1,638,073 EXPENDITURES: Series 2016 A1 - Refunding Bonds IISSPnnpprttieeneeccrrciiaaeeipllss CCatt laa-- - ll15 ll5 /1--/ 1/1511/11/1 116555066,,,077011099 -- 116 2555 55066,,,,,000170001200029 ----- 116 2555 55066,,,,,000170001200029 116446088,,,000099044 -- IISnnettreeirreeesss 2tt 0-- 151/161/ A11 - Revenue Bonds 5566,,881133 5566,,881133 -- 5566,,881133 5566,,662255 Series 2016 A2 - Refunding Bonds IISSPnnpprttieeneeccrrciiaaeeipllss CCatt laa-- - ll15 ll5 /1--/ 1/1511/11/1 2 770440,,,660550330 -- 2 1770 50440,,,,,004600025000360 ----- 2 1770 50440,,,,,004600025000360 2 660995,,,990550110 -- Series 2016 A2 - Revenue Bonds IInntteerreesstt -- 15/11/1 2200,,775500 2200,,775500 -- 2200,,775500 2200,,775500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,467,869 $ 1,512,045 $ - $ 1,512,045 $ 1,455,839 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,467,869 $ 1,512,045 $ - $ 1,512,045 $ 1,455,839 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 377,394 $ 54,029 $ 10,000 $ 160,711 $ 182,234 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement In22t22e0000r1111e66s66 tAA AA D1212u RR RReee ee1vvff1/1/25 $$ $$$11 2563305699,,,,,467002591102599 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2016 A1/A2 Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Page 18 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000111111111111111111111155555555555//////////////////////00000000000000000000001111111111111111111111//////////////////////22222222222333333333330011223344455566778899 11223344555566777788,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11333355666666888899 9900112233334455779999330000000000000055555500,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2222333333333333333333......................002255555555556666667700000000000022222255550000000000000000555555%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 667777888990013335668800000055555,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000 ----------- 1111111111 11334466779900112233441133336677884477888899,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,223355779999000033558822334455557711116688990055557788993344889999 199999999999444444555555001111777789,,,,,,,,,,,,011112248999001345678899001223566677............000225555788000000055688 Total $ 8,655,000 $ 1,939,350 $ 10,594,350 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A1 Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Page 19 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000000111111111111111111111111111155555555555555////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111////////////////////////////22222222222333333333333333330011223344455556666777788899 1122333333333333333333333333,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000033333333333333333333333355660000000000000000000000000055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 3333333333333333333333333333............................777777777777777777777777777755555555555555555555555555550000000000000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11,,00 9047550,,,000000000 ------------------------- 11335555555555555555555555556666666666666666666666668899,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,445566666666666666666666666622222222222222222222222233994455555555555555555555555588 111,,,000 11111111111666 511111111111345633333333333,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,005622222222222369255555555555123500000000000...............257000000000000055000000000000 Total $ 3,020,000 $ 1,475,063 $ 4,495,063 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A1 Special Assessment Revenue Bonds Page 20 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000111111111111111111111155555555555//////////////////////00000000000000000000001111111111111111111111//////////////////////22222222222333333333330011223344455566778899 1111112222222222,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0022224455777799 33669911112233557788993355660000005555555555005555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 4444444444444444444444......................333338888888888888888855555777777777777777770000055555555555555555%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 222222223330012233567900005555555,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000 ----------- 11223333444455666666 8800003333555555779999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,111133444444556688999966000000113355666677996600111122223366669999 33333333333 634444444444900112333449,,,,,,,,,,,,911113346689501334446668001122455678............622355566678311133356688 Total $ 2,915,000 $ 919,748 $ 3,834,748 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A2 Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Page 21 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000000111111111111111111111111111155555555555555////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111////////////////////////////22222222222333333333333333330011223344455556666777788899 225588888888888888888888888833333333333333333333333366990000000000000000000000000055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5555555555555555555555555555............................000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 222679055,,,000000000 ------------- 11222222222222222222222222 7700000000000000000000000044,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,221177777777777777777777777755225555555555555555555555550000000000000000000000000055 222 244444444444999011111111111679,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,555555555557238000000000005577000000000000055...............000000000000000000000000000000 Total $ 830,000 $ 540,750 $ 1,370,750 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A2 Special Assessment Revenue Bonds Page 22 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 123758,,462859 - $ 12 147206,,,818723915 2,00$0 -- $ 12 147406,,,818723915 $ 126744,,380857 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 414,114 $ 429,835 $ 2,000 $ 431,835 $ 439,192 EXPENDITURES: Series 2016 A3 - Refunding Bonds IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 15 5/1/11 448000,,,022022055 448000,,,022022055 --- 448000,,,022022055 338588,,,000022055 Series 2016 A3 - Revenue Bonds IInntteerreesstt -- 15/11/1 5533,,550000 5533,,550000 -- 5533,,550000 5533,,550000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 267,450 $ 267,450 $ - $ 267,450 $ 268,050 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 267,450 $ 267,450 $ - $ 267,450 $ 268,050 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 146,664 $ 162,385 $ 2,000 $ 164,385 $ 171,142 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement Rev -Interest Due 11/1/25 $$$ 358359,,,156088088 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2016 A3 Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Ref -Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 23 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 0000000000000011111111111111111111111155555555555558//////////////////////////0000000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111//////////////////////////2222222222222223333333333300112223333444455566778899 111111111111,,,,,,,,,,,,001122223344 113344556688990011225779990011224455779900000005555500000000005555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 55555555556666666666666666..........................000000000000000055555555550000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 11111111 3888990112344500555500005555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ------------ 1111222222333333334444 44990000003333334455777788,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,006600112222223355666666880055000000000011222255778800000000000000003355555588 111111111111 4755555556666608001228888889,,,,,,,,,,,,,,251222366789992700000115555555000000000022..............0000000000005500000000000000 Total $ 1,370,000 $ 588,900 $ 1,958,900 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A3 Special Assessment Refunding Bonds Page 24 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111155555555555555555555555/////////////////////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111///////////////////////////////////22222222222223333333333333333333344444444444440000111122223333344444455555566666777788889999 $ 11111111111122222222222222222222222222,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11111111111111111111111111113344668899 2244779900113344444444444444444444444444669999001144880000000000000000000000000000000055555500555555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555..............................................0000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 111111222220123456678900000555555,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000 ---------------------- $ 11112222333344444455555555555555555555555555 6611222222333333333333333333333333335577777799,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,11002255555555555555555555555555666666777788882200000000000000000000000000002222225555557777550000000000000000000000000000000005555555555 11111111111122222222222 500000000000055555555555300012333445777777777777,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,500000000000011235556788000000000000000022255777000000000000000000555555........................000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Total $ 2,140,000 $ 1,978,000 $ 4,118,000 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2016 A3 Special Assessment Revenue Bonds Page 25 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/a3l0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j Mecotendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0ed/2 T4hru AFBdYuo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterecrriyae lFs Ato Esrswaerasnrsidnm gSesunrtps-luOsn ( R1)oll $ 120203,,071323 - $ 2 92 761,,,765382621 1,00$0 -- $ 2 92 861,,,765382621 $ 120237,,771423 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 323,745 $ 325,939 $ 1,000 $ 326,939 $ 331,455 EXPENDITURES: Series 2019A IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt l-- - 15 5/1/11 588225,,,000099099 588225,,,000099099 --- 588225,,,000099099 688000,,,077099033 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 219,198 $ 219,198 $ - $ 219,198 $ 221,585 Other Sources/(Uses) Interfund transfer In/(Out) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/(USES) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 219,198 $ 219,198 $ - $ 219,198 $ 221,585 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 104,548 $ 106,742 $ 1,000 $ 107,742 $ 109,870 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $$ 7799,,336688 South Village Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2019 Capital Improvement Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 26 Period OuBtsatlaanndceing Coupons Principal Interest AnSneuravl iDceebt 00000000000000000000000000111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111155555555555555555555555555///////////////////////////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111///////////////////////22222222222223333333333333333333344444444444444444440000111122223333344444455555566666677777788888899999 $ 111111111111112222222222222222222222222233,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000011112222334444445555666677777788999999 224466779900000000111111111122224444446666667777889900111155880000000000000000000000000000555555555555550000000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 4444444444445555555555555555555555555555555555555555....................................................44444444444444444444666666666666666666667777777777770000000000000000000055555555555555555555555555555555000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 111111111111122 5666677889900011123345678900000055555000000000005555,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000$00000000000000000000000000 -------------------------- $ 11112222333333444455555555666666667777777777778888 5500001111111111223333334444556666666666667788999999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88000000001111111111222233333344666677777788888899998800000022223344444444445555666666666688888899999999000000000000000000000001133333333334455888899999999 22222222222222222222222222 811111111111111111111222222200000055666777778888899999,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,001111223333334466667788889911222444444556666788888999800000000000000111123335777...........................700000000000000022225555777500000000000000000005555555 Total $ 3,015,000 $ 2,747,845 $ 5,762,845 South Village Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2019 A Capital Improvement Bonds Page 27 Neighborhood UOn&itMs B2Ao01n1/d26s B2oA0n13d6s B2o0n1d9s Gross FY2024 Increase/ (decrease) Increase/ (decrease) Increase/ (decrease) O&M / Rec Center Golf Capital Reserve Total 2016A1/2 2016A3 2019 2016A1/2 2016A3 2019 2016A1/2 2016A3 2019 2016A1/2 2016A3 2019 Platted Lots 1494 1063 197 162 $1,378.00 $0.00 $484.00 $1,862.00 $1,749.00 $113.00 $1,470.05 $1,484.00 $1,469.09 $1,470.05 $1,484.00 $1,469.09 $0.00 $3,332.05 $3,346.00 $3,331.09 $3,219.05 $3,233.00 $3,218.09 $113.00 Platted Lot Partial 0 58 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $146.87 $0.00 $0.00 $146.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $146.87 $0.00 $0.00 $146.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Platted Lot Partial 0 1 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $479.78 $0.00 $0.00 $479.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $479.78 $0.00 $0.00 $479.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Sales Center 1 0 0 0 $3,946.43 $0.00 $0.00 $3,946.43 $3,586.43 $360.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $360.00 PTaoitdal off 1495 111436 197 162 FY 2025 FY2024 South Village Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit FY 2025 FY 2025 FY2024 Page 28